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There is Alleged Bullying of Junior High School Students Happening in Bekasi City, KPAD Will Learn First

There is Alleged Bullying of Junior High School Students Happening in Bekasi City, KPAD Will Learn First
Korban Bully SMP Al Azhar 31 Summarecon Bekasi. The Bekasi City Child Protection Commission (KPAD) has received reports of alleged bullying delivered by parents named Azmi Fitriyasah (45), on Friday (6/12/2019).

Tekda Beko Bagarri, KAPD Commissioner of Bekasi City, said that his party will study the report so far.

"We have received reports related to allegations of beatings and children being expelled from schools, we will study the report first to take the next step," said Tekda at the Bekasi City Election Commission office.

In this case, the KPAD will coordinate with each commissioner so that the steps taken are appropriate and have no impact on children.

"We learn first for the report here we have a team we will discuss with other commissioners to follow up on what we will take," he explained.

When asked about the evidence submitted by the reported party regarding the alleged bullying, the KPAD so far has not received it directly. The report is only in the form of an oral statement from the reporter in this case the victim's parents.

"There is no evidence yet, but we will also ask for the related report, but today the report is related to chronology," he said.

Previously, a parent named Azmi Fitriyasah (45), reported an alleged bullying act which called his child initialed P (12) to the Bekasi Regional Child Protection Commission (KPAD), Friday, (6/12/2019).

Azmi came to the KPAD office on Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani, a former Immigration building, Komplek GOR Bekasi, South Bekasi District, around 14.00 WIB accompanied by his wife.

The purpose of reporting this alleged bullying is so that their children receive fair treatment from the school. Because, P is known to often get violence done by his class sister when he was still attending Almarumon Al-Azhar Junior High School in Bekasi.

"So I came here to ask for justice from the KPAD for the treatment my son got, he was the victim of a beating by his senior," Azmi said after making a report in the Bekasi City KPAD.

Azmi explained, this alleged case of bullying was first revealed when her child was reluctant to go to school because she was afraid of being attacked by her senior.

"The last incident on September 26, 2019, my son cried as if he was lazy to go to school, instead he said 'Mother doesn't know that I was beaten'," he said.

From this confession Azmi went to the school to ask for clarification of what had happened to her child. He said that the school did not respond to allegations of bullying seriously.

Plus when he got a report from school that his son had a bad record. This is seen from the behavioral evaluation points that have reached 1000.

"If the Al-Azhar Summarecon school has a point system, if more than 1,000 points are issued," he said.

From there Azmi felt furious, her child who received bullying treatment actually received a big point while the bullying who gang up on her child was still acceptable to the school.

"It should be fair, maybe my child was never late, had a fight so that the eyes of the theme got points, but if the gang does not get points, instead they are protected, meaning that it's not fair," he explained.

Alleged Bullying Middle School Boy in Bekasi City, KAPD Will Clarify the School

Alleged Bullying Middle School Boy in Bekasi City, KAPD Will Clarify the School
Korban Bully SMP Al Azhar 31 Summarecon Bekasi. The Bekasi City Child Protection Commission (KPAD) has received reports of alleged bullying that befell a junior high school boy with the initials P (13).

Furthermore, the report will be studied first.

Bekasi City KPAD Commissioner, Tekda Beko Bagarri, said that a possible step would be to call on the school to ask for clarification.

"From the school we will definitely clarify the reasons as to what later assessments from schools like we will listen to," said Tekda at the KPAD office in Bekasi City, Friday (12/06/2019).

However, he could not be sure when the call will be made. His party needs to study the report first and ask for input from each KPAD commissioner.

"We can not convey, yes we have to discuss it later with the team, we first study the existing cases like what we can then convey or run for the next step like what," he explained.

The contents of the report submitted by P parents, Azmi Fitriyasah (45), was limited to the chronological story of the incident. No evidence has been brought or submitted to the KPAD.

"The chronology that we just received as a child is reportedly suspected of being a victim of bullying and was actually expelled from school, according to his report," he explained.

Previously, a parent named Azmi Fitriyasah (45), reported an alleged bullying act which called his child initialed P (12) to the Bekasi Regional Child Protection Commission (KPAD), Friday, (6/12/2019).

Azmi came to the KPAD office on Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani, a former Immigration building, Komplek GOR Bekasi, South Bekasi District, around 14.00 WIB accompanied by his wife.

The purpose of reporting this alleged bullying is so that their children receive fair treatment from the school. Because, P is known to often get violence done by his class sister when he was still attending Almarumon Al-Azhar Junior High School in Bekasi.

"So I came here to ask for justice from the KPAD for the treatment my son got, he was the victim of a beating by his senior," Azmi said after making a report in the Bekasi City KPAD.

Azmi explained, this alleged case of bullying was first revealed when her child was reluctant to go to school because she was afraid of being attacked by her senior.

"The last incident on September 26, 2019, my son cried as if he was lazy to go to school, instead he said 'Mother doesn't know that I was beaten'," he said.

From this confession Azmi went to the school to ask for clarification of what had happened to her child. He said that the school did not respond to allegations of bullying seriously.

Plus when he got a report from school that his son had a bad record. This is seen from the behavioral evaluation points that have reached 1000.

"If the Al-Azhar Summarecon school has a point system, if more than 1,000 points are issued," he said.

From there Azmi felt furious, her child who received bullying treatment actually received a big point while the bullying who gang up on her child was still acceptable to the school.

"It should be fair, maybe my child was ever late, had a fight, so the eyes of the theme got points, but if the gang does not get points, instead they are protected, meaning it's not fair," he said.

Not Issued, This Is An Explanation of School Board Related Students Allegedly Bullying Victims

Not Issued, This Is An Explanation of School Board Related Students Allegedly Bullying Victims
Siswa SMP Al Azhar 31 Dianiaya. Allegations of bullying that befell students initials P (13), was denied by the Al-Azhar 32 Islamic Middle School Summarecon Bekasi. The school also dismissed the news the student was expelled.

Sumarwanto, Public Relations of the Al-Azhar School, said that at Summarecon 31 Al-Azhar Islamic Middle School, Bekasi is known for its student discipline book system.

This book is an indicator that records student behavior during education and is given an assessment point for what each student does.

"Every student who violates the rules listed in the code of conduct, will be charged points proportional to the weight of the violation committed by the student," Sumarwanto said.

This rule is known and agreed upon by the school and parents or guardians counted since students are registered as students.

"If the student violation points accumulate to a certain amount, then the student will get the toughest sanction, which is willing to resign," he said.

In the case of students with the initial P, the school did not take unilateral actions in the form of expenses or terminations.

The school has also carried out stages in the form of coaching guided by the homeroom teacher to correct the P. student offense points.

"However, during the training period, the person concerned has committed a violation again, so that the accumulated violation points obtained have exceeded the maximum limit set," he explained.

The school has mediated with the parents, where P students' parents have agreed and signed the transfer request letter.

"This is done in accordance with the consequences that have been known together from the beginning," he said.

Sumarwanto also emphasized, in the P case, there was no bullying at all as the parents of the students expected.

"In accordance with the findings of the facts in the field, there was never a beating by senior students to P students, but what happened was P made one-on-one physical contact with his classmates," he explained.

Previously, a parent named Azmi Fitriyasah (45), reported an alleged bullying act that called his child with the initial P (12) to the Bekasi Regional Child Protection Commission (KPAD) on Friday (12/06/2019).

Azmi explained, this alleged case of bullying was first revealed when her child was reluctant to go to school because she was afraid of being attacked by her senior.

"The last incident on September 26, 2019, my son cried as if he was lazy to go to school, instead he said 'Mother doesn't know that I was beaten'," he said.

From this confession, Azmi went to the school to ask for clarification of what had happened to her child. He said that the school did not respond to allegations of bullying seriously.

Plus when he got a report from school that his son had a bad record. This is seen from the behavioral evaluation points that have reached 1000.

"If the Al-Azhar Summarecon school has a point system, if more than 1,000 points are issued," he said.

From there Azmi felt furious, her child who received bullying treatment actually received a big point while the bullying perpetrators who gang up on her child could still be accepted by the school.

"It should be fair, maybe my child was ever late, had a fight, so the eyes of the theme got points, but if the gang does not get points, instead they are protected, meaning that it's not fair," he explained.

Bekasi City KPAD Summons Al-Azhar Summarecon Islamic Middle School Regarding Alleged Bullying Case

Bekasi City KPAD Summons Al-Azhar Summarecon Islamic Middle School Regarding Alleged Bullying Case

Bully SMP Al Azhar 31. The Regional Child Protection Commission (KPAD) summoned the Summarecon Bekasi Islamic Middle School 31 Al-Azhar Middle School regarding reports of alleged student bullying with the initial P (13), Wednesday (11/12/2019).

TribunJakarta.com observations, a number of school representatives of approximately five people came to meet the call to the KPAD office on Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani, South Bekasi District, Bekasi City.

Bekasi City KPAD Chair, Aris Setiawan said the first summons was a form of clarification of the report received by his party from P student's parents, Fitriyasah (45)

"We have already called and clarified, it has been conveyed from the school regarding complaints that came to us," Aris told TribunJakarta.com.

The results of this clarification will continue to be explored.

Aris asserted that there were two statements that were mutually contradicting the alleged bullying that allegedly happened to P. students.

"We will observe the results of clarification, we will deepen again, including with related parties, from parents we will also call again," he stated.

Another step that the KPAD will take in handling this case is to conduct a direct visit to the Al-Azhar Summarecon Islamic Middle School.

"We will only visit when we don't know when because from the school they also need preparation," said Aris.

Broadly speaking, the school denies any suspected bullying by senior P students who are Grade 7 students.

"If there is a report from the reporter (suspected of bullying), but if there is no report from the reporter, there is only a fight,"

"Because what we asked earlier was about the reports we received, a few things later we will ask again to the parents concerned," he stressed.

Meanwhile, the Al-Azhar 31 Islamic Middle School Summarecon Bekasi after fulfilling the call was reluctant to comment.

They submit completely to the KPAD so that a middle ground can be found.

Accused of Not Responding to Alleged Bullying, Here's the Explanation of Al-Azhar Summarecon Islamic Middle School Bekasi

Al-Azhar Islamic Middle School 31 Summarecon Bekasi has denied the alleged bullying that befell its former student initials P (13).

Sumarwanto, Public Relations School of Al-Azhar in a written statement received by Monday (12/09/2019), said there had never been a beating action by a senior class against P. students.

"In accordance with the findings of the facts in the field, there was never a beating by senior students to P students, but what happened was P made one-on-one physical contact with his classmates," Sumarwanto said.

As for the expenditure on P students from school, he explained, this was in accordance with applicable regulations.

"Every student who violates the rules listed in the code of conduct, will be charged points that are proportional to the weight of the violations committed by students," he explained.

"If the student violation points accumulate to a certain amount, then the student will get the toughest sanction, which is willing to resign," he added.

The rules of the code of conduct and the point system to the sanctions that will be accepted by students are known to parents or guardians since students are registered as students of Summarecon Islamic Middle School 31 Summarecon Bekasi.

"The code of conduct is known, agreed upon and obliged to be obeyed by all students and parents, where students and parents of students have put their signatures on the stamp duty 6000, as a sign of understanding and agreeing," he explained.

Parents named Azmi Fitriyasah (45), reported allegations of bullying that befell their child initials P (12) to the Bekasi Regional Child Protection Commission (KPAD), Friday, (6/12/2019).

Azmi came to the KPAD office on Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani, a former Immigration building, Komplek GOR Bekasi, South Bekasi District, around 14.00 WIB accompanied by his wife.

The purpose of reporting this alleged bullying is so that their children receive fair treatment from the school.

Because, P is known to often get violence done by his class sister when he was still attending Almarumon Al-Azhar Junior High School in Bekasi.

"So I came here to ask for justice from the KPAD for the treatment my son got, he was the victim of a beating by his senior," Azmi said after making a report in the Bekasi City KPAD.

Azmi explained, this alleged case of bullying was first revealed when her child was reluctant to go to school because she was afraid of being attacked by her senior.

"The last incident on September 26, 2019, my son cried as if he was lazy to go to school, instead he said 'Mother doesn't know that I was beaten'," he said.

From this confession, Azmi went to the school to ask for clarification of what had happened to her child.

He said that the school did not respond to allegations of bullying seriously.

Plus when he got a report from school that his son had a bad record.

This is seen from the behavioral evaluation points that have reached 1000.

"If the Al-Azhar Summarecon school has a point system, if more than 1,000 points are issued," he said.

From there Azmi felt furious, her child who received bullying treatment actually received a big point while the bullying who gang up on her child was still acceptable to the school.

"It should be fair, maybe my child was never late, had a fight so that his friend's eyes got points, but if the gang does not get points, instead they are protected, meaning that it's not fair," he explained.

Accused of Not Responding to Alleged Bullying, Here's the Explanation of Al-Azhar Summarecon Islamic Middle School Bekas

Accused of Not Responding to Alleged Bullying, Here's the Explanation of Al-Azhar Summarecon Islamic Middle School Bekas
SMP Al Azhar 31 Summarecon Bekasi
l-Azhar Islamic Middle School 31 Summarecon Bekasi has denied the alleged bullying that befell its former student initials P (13).

Sumarwanto, Public Relations School of Al-Azhar, Monday (12/09/2019), said there had never been a beating action by a senior class against P. students.

"In accordance with the findings of the facts in the field, there was never a beating by senior students to P students, but what happened was P made one-on-one physical contact with his classmates," Sumarwanto said.

As for the expenditure on P students from school, he explained, this was in accordance with applicable regulations.

"Every student who violates the rules listed in the code of conduct, will be charged points that are proportional to the weight of the violations committed by students," he explained.

"If the student violation points accumulate to a certain amount, then the student will get the toughest sanction, which is willing to resign," he added.

The rules of the code of conduct and the point system to the sanctions that will be accepted by students are known to parents or guardians since students are registered as students of Summarecon Islamic Middle School 31 Summarecon Bekasi.

"The code of conduct is known, agreed upon and obliged to be obeyed by all students and parents, where students and parents of students have put their signatures on the stamp duty 6000, as a sign of understanding and agreeing," he explained.

Parents named Azmi Fitriyasah (45), reported allegations of bullying that befell their child initials P (12) to the Bekasi Regional Child Protection Commission (KPAD), Friday, (6/12/2019).

Azmi came to the KPAD office on Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani, a former Immigration building, Komplek GOR Bekasi, South Bekasi District, around 14.00 WIB accompanied by his wife.

The purpose of reporting this alleged bullying is so that their children receive fair treatment from the school.

Because, P is known to often get violence done by his class sister when he was still attending Almarumon Al-Azhar Junior High School in Bekasi.

"So I came here to ask for justice from the KPAD for the treatment my son got, he was the victim of a beating by his senior," Azmi said after making a report in the Bekasi City KPAD.

Azmi explained, this alleged case of bullying was first revealed when her child was reluctant to go to school because she was afraid of being attacked by her senior.

"The last incident on September 26, 2019, my son cried as if he was lazy to go to school, instead he said 'Mother doesn't know that I was beaten'," he said.

From this confession, Azmi went to the school to ask for clarification of what had happened to her child.

He said that the school did not respond to allegations of bullying seriously.

Plus when he got a report from school that his son had a bad record.

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This is seen from the behavioral evaluation points that have reached 1000.

"If the Al-Azhar Summarecon school has a point system, if more than 1,000 points are issued," he said.

From there Azmi felt furious, her child who received bullying treatment actually received a big point while the bullying who gang up on her child was still acceptable to the school.

"It should be fair, maybe my child was never late, had a fight so that his friend's eyes got points, but if the gang does not get points, instead they are protected, meaning that it's not fair," he explained.

Chelsea Berhasil Ditahan Imbang DiKandang Sendiri

Chelsea Berhasil Ditahan Imbang DiKandang Sendiri
Buletin Nasional. Chelsea gagal mendulang poin penuh saat menjamu Everton dalam lanjutan Liga Inggris di Stadion Stamford Bridge, Minggu (11/11/2018). The Blues ditahan imbang Everton dengan skor kacamata alias 0-0.

Kedua tim bermain terbuka pada babak pertama, akan tetapi tak ada gol yang tercipta.
Chelsea sebagai tuan rumah mengambil kendali permainan atas Everton.
Penguasaan bola Chelsea menyentuh angka 68 persen hingga babak pertama berakhir.
Namun Chelsea tak mampu menembus pertahanan rapat yang digalang Michael Keane dan Yerry Mina.

Pada menit ke-11 Everton justru yang pertama mendapatkan peluang, namun sepakan Bernard masih melambung di atas mistar gawang Chelsea.
Chelsea baru bisa membalas pada menit ke-23 melalui tendangan bebas Marcos Alonso yang masih menyamping dari gawang Everton kawalan Jordan Pickford.
Babak kedua dimulai, Chelsea langsung menyerbu gawang Everton.
Baru satu menit paruh kedua berjalan, Chelsea mendapat peluang emas setelah Hazard mengirimkan bola ke kotak penalti Everton.

Namun, sepakan Alvaro Morata masih mampu dimentahkan Pickford sambil terbang.
Everton balas menekan pada menit ke-59, Bernard berdiri bebas di kotak penalti Chelsea menyambut umpan silang Theo Walcott.
Akan tetapi pemain asal Brasil itu tak mampu mengontrol bola dengan baik yang menyebabkan bola bergulir ke luar lapangan.
Pada menit ke-63, Hazard kembali menebar ancaman dengan mengirimkan bola lob yang masih bisa ditepis oleh Pickford.
Chelsea sempat mencetak gol ke gawang Everton pada menit ke-72 melalui sontekan Morata meneruskan umpan tarik Cesar Azpilicueta.

Namun, gol tersebut dianulir karena Morata dinilai telah berdiri pada posisi offside.
Skor imbang 0-0 tak berubah hingga wasit meniup peluit tanda pertandingan berakhir.
Hasil imbang ini menjadi yang kedua bagi Chelsea di Liga Inggris. Di lain sisi, satu poin tambahan ini juga memperpanjang rekor Chelsea sebagai tim yang belum terkalahkan di semua kompetisi.
The Blues untuk sementara menduduki peringkat ketiga klasemen sementara dengan poin 28 dari 12 laga Liga Inggris.

Chelsea 0-0 Everton
Susunan Pemain
Chelsea (4-3-3): 1-Kepa Arrizabalaga; 28-Cesar Azpilicueta, 2-Antonio Ruediger, 30-David Luiz, 3-Marcos Alonso; 5-Jorginho (4-Cesc Fabregas 65′), 7-N’Golo Kante, 17-Mateo Kovacic (8-Ross Barkley 82′); 10-Eden Hazard, 29-Alvaro Morata, 22-Willian (11-Pedro Rodriguez 68′).
Cadangan: 13-Willy Caballero, 27-Andreas Christensen, 21-Davide Zappacosta, 18-Olivier Giroud
Pelatih: Maurizio Sarri
Everton (4-2-3-1): 1-Jordan Pickford; 23-Seamus Coleman, 4-Michael Keane, 13-Yerry Mina, 12-Lucas Digne; 8-Andre Gomes, 17-Idrissa Guana Gueye; 11-Theo Walcott, 20-Bernard (31-Ademola Lookman 64′), 10-Gylfi Sigurdsson (6-Phil Jagielka 75′); 30-Richarlison (29-Dominic Calvert-Lewin 89′).
Cadangan: 22-Marten Stekelenburg, 3-Leighton Baines, 26-Tom Davies, 14-Cenk Tosun
Pelatih: Marco Silva

Tim Nasional Wanita Indonesia Berhasil Bermain seimbang Atas Tuan Rumah Palestina

Tim Nasional Wanita Indonesia Berhasil Bermain seimbang Atas Tuan Rumah Palestina
Harian Press. Dengan skor 1-1, Tim Nasional Wanita Indonesia berhasil bermain imbang melawan tuan rumah Palestina. Hasil positif ini berlangsung dalam laga pertandingan kualifikasi sepak bola wanita untuk Olimpiade 2020. Kedua tim ini bertanding di Stadion Internasional Faisal Al Husseni, Al Ram, Palestina, Kamis (8/11).

Para srikandi yang bertanding tampil cukup atraktif dan mampu bermain sama kuat dengan tim tuan rumah sepanjang babak pertama tanpa kebobolan. Gol untuk pasukan Rully Nere ini baru tercipta pada babak kedua melalui aksi Vivi Octavia di menit ke-65.

Keunggulan tersebut hampir saja membuat timnas wanita kita ini pulang dengan membawa tiga poin, tetapi sayang, tim tuan rumah mampu membuat gol balasan sekaligus menutup pertandingan dengan skor imbang 1-1 melalui pemainnya yang bernama Caroline jelang laga berakhir.

“Saya kira ini hasil positif, mengingat lawan kami adalah tuan rumah. Dan pertandingan tadi bukanlah laga yang mudah untuk para pemain. Saya apresiasi perjuangan anak-anak diatas lapangan. Kami akan evaluasi kembali permainan kami dan memperbaikinya untuk persiapan di pertandingan kedua nanti,” kata Rully Nere.

Lebih lanjut, dia mengatakan bahwa segala kekurangannya akan jadi bahan perbaikan di sesi latihan sebelum laga kedua. “Semoga kami bisa meraih apa yang kita incar saat bertemu Maladewa,” sebutnya.

Sementara itu, pada tanggal 11 November 2018 dan pada laga terakhir, Indonesia akan menantang Maladewa, mereka siap meladeni Yordania 13 November 2018. Semua laga berlangsung di Stadion Faisal Al-Husseni International, Al-Ram, Palestina.

Yakin Menang, Fernandes Berambisi Ingin Satukan Gelar Juaranya

Yakin Menang, Fernandes Berambisi Ingin Satukan Gelar Juaranya
Pojok Pos. Bibiano Fernandes, jawara kelas bantam ONE Championship berambisi menyatukan gelar yang dia pegang dengan sabuk juara interim kelas bantam yang dikuasai Kevin Belingon dalam pertarungan bertajuk ONE: Heart of the Lion.

Fernandes yakin mampu mengalahkan Belingon di Singapore Indoor Stadium, malam ini. Petarung asal Brasil itu menilai lawannya pasti akan sedikit berbeda dibandingkan saat bertemu pada 2016 lalu. Fernandes, 38, merasa lawannya akan bermain lebih siap dan bertarung dengan agresif.

Tetapi, dia tetap yakin bisa mengalahkannya untuk kedua kali di oktagon (ring). “Dia (Belingon) tidak banyak berkembang. Dia hanya memperbaiki permainannya, itu saja. Dia memperbaiki beberapa hal, tapi masih tetap Belingon. Dia masih memukul dengan tangan kanan dan tendangan juga bagus, hanya itu,” kata Fernandes.

Sebelumnya Fernandes pernah mencatatkan kemenangan atas Belingon di Chansha, China, 23 Januari 2016. Ketika itu, dia berhasil menang dengan submission (kimura) dengan hanya membutuhkan waktu 4 menit 0,4 detik di ronde pertama.

Setelah itu, dia kembali merebut tiga kemenangan secara beruntun, termasuk mengalahkan Andrew Leone dengan submission (rear naked choke) di Makau, 5 Agustus 2017. Jelas, ini dijadikannya sebagai modal untuk mengalahkan Belingon.

“Ketika saya melawan Leone, saya menyelesaikannya di babak pertama dalam tiga menit. Saya akan pergi membawa yang terbaik. Saya berjuang untuk menang. Saya bertarung untuk mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik. Saya tidak ingin mencari pengecualian, apa pun yang ada saya datang untuk bertarung,” ucap Fernandes. Peraih tiga medali emas Kejuaraan Dunia Jiu-Jitsu itu menilai bahwa ini bukan pertarungan terbesarnya dalam kariernya.

Karena, dia menyatakan sudah menghadang laju karier dari Belingon beberapa waktu lalu. Apalagi, dia merasa sedikit terpaksa untuk kembali menghadapinya lantaran Belingon memiliki sabuk interim.

“Saya menjalani latihan dengan baik, merasa senang, dan lebih kuat. Alasan mengapa ini bukan pertarungan terbesar (karier saya), itu karena saya sudah bertarung dengannya di masa lalu. Saya sudah mengalahkannya. Saya tidak tahu kenapa dia memiliki sabuk interim,” papar Fernandes.

Selain itu, pertarunganantara Christian Lee (Singapura) dan Kazuki Tokudome (Jepang) juga akan berlangsung sengit. Pasalnya, keduanya sama-sama mengincar kemenangan guna menjaga martabatnya di ONE Champhionship.

Jika Lee tidak ingin di permalukan di hadapan pendukungnya, Tokudome ingin menjalani debut sebagai pemenang di kelas catch weight pada organisasi seni bela diri campuran terbesar di Asia tersebut.

“Merupakan kehormatan untuk menjadi bagian dari organisasi ini. Ini adalah babak baru dalam karier profesional saya. ONE Championship adalah panggung sempurna bagi saya untuk menghadapi kompetisi tingkat tinggi. Saya menantikan pertandingan saya melawan seorang petarung berbakat seperti (Christian) Lee,” ungkap Tokudome.

Meningkatkan Kualitas Kebugaran Untuk Masyarakat, Sepeda Nusantara 2018 Berlangsung Di Demak

Meningkatkan Kualitas Kebugaran Untuk Masyarakat, Sepeda Nusantara 2018 Berlangsung Di Demak
Kanal Utama. Pada Minggu (4/11/2018), kegiatan Sepeda Nusantara 2018 yang merupakan salah satu program unggulan Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga (Kemenpora) di bawah kepemimpinan Menpora Imam Nahrawi berlangsung di Demak, Jawa Tengah.

Kegiatan positif yang mengajak masyarakat berolahraga melalui payung Ayo Olahraga itu memulai start dari Stadion Pancasila dengan menempuh jarak 15 kilometer.

Sepeda Nusantara Demak ini diberi nama Etape Jambu Demak, karena banyak pohon Jambu yang dilewati selama para pegowes mengayuh sepedanya, di samping jambu juga merupakan buah kebanggaan Demak dan banyak ditanam di pinggir jalan.

Acara dibuka dengan doa bersama, menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya dan senam ‘Ayo Olahraga’. Lalu sambutan Kepala Biro Perencanaan dan Organisasi Kemenpora, Aris Subiyono. Acara ini juga dihadiri Bupati Demak, HM Natsir. “Dari sensus, ada 27 persen masyarakat yang berusia 10 tahun ke atas berolahraga. Kami punya target 35 persen dan acara ini jadi salah satu upaya kami untuk mencapai target tersebut,” ucap Aris.

Sepeda Nusantara 2018 itu sendiri bertujuan untuk meningkatkan derajat dan kualitas kebugaran masyarakat dan menghasilkan multiplier effect di berbagai sektor, seperti ekonomi dan pariwisata, memperkuat ketahanan sosial, memperluas kesadaran lingkungan dan hemat energi.

Demak punya potensi atlet bagus. Ada banyak juga atlet level nasional yang berasal dari Demak. “Demak juga punya potensi jadi penyumbang atlet untuk event-event internasional kita,” tambah Aris.

Sepeda Nusantara 2018 juga mengekspose “Bangun Indonesia”, capaian pembangunan yang telah dilakukan Pemerintah. Baik aspek fisik dengan pembangunan sarana dan prasarana terbaik di seluruh Tanah Air, sekaligus pembangunan kognisi, mental dan spitirual untuk mencapai prestasi-prestasi terbaik.

“Ketika CPNS kemaren ada atlet prestasi dari Demak cabor dayung dan meraih medali Asian Games. Ini harus terus kita kembangkan. Pembibitan itu penting,” ucapnya.

Usai tiba di garis finis, peserta kemudian mengikuti dooprize yang diadakan panitia. Ada berbagai macam hadiah barang elektronik. Sedangkan hadiah utamanya adalah voucher ibadah umrah.

Eko Yuli Memenangkan Medali Emas Kejuaraan Dunia Angkat Besi 2018 Di Turkmenistan

Eko Yuli Memenangkan Medali Emas Kejuaraan Dunia Angkat Besi 2018 Di Turkmenistan
Pojok Nasional. Atas apresiasi yang diberikan pemerintah Indonesia, Eko Yuli Irawan tahu betul bagaimana cara membalasnya . Ya, atlet angkat besi andalan Tanah Air ini selalu membalas perhatian lewat prestasi selama mengikuti beberapa event.

Terbaru, Eko Yuli menyabet medali emas pada Kejuaraan Dunia Angkat Besi 2018, di Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. Total, atlet kelahiran Lampung 24 Juli 1989 itu menerima bonus sebesar Rp450 juta.  Adapun bonus tersebut diberikan oleh Presiden dan Kemenpora.

Eko Yuli mengaku sangat bersyukur atas perhatian yang diberikan oleh pemerintah. Maklum, bonus sebesar ini baru pertama kali ia dapatkan selama mengikuti single event. Dia pun berharap agar prestasi yang baru saja diukir ini bisa memacu semangatnya.

“Alhamdulillah, senang dan terima kasih atas dukungannya. Sekarang bisa juara dunia. Mudah-mudahan dukungan ini tidak menurun dan meningkat sampai ke Olimpiade nantinya,” kata Eko Yuli dikutip dari laman resmi Kemenpora, Jumat (9/11/2018).

“Kedepan, kita harus tetap konsisten dan pertahankan ini. Saya berharap pemerintah terus mendukung. Sekali lagi, terima kasih sudah diberi kesempatan untuk mengikuti seleksi CPNS,” imbuh Eko.

Bagi Eko, prestasi itu jelas menjadi tambahan motivasi setelah sebelumnya baru saja mengikuti tes sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Kemenpora. Kesempatan untuk mengikuti seleksi dan pengangkatan olahragawan berprestasi menjadi calon pegawai negeri sipil (CPNS) tahun 2018 di Lingkungan Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga adalah salah satu motivasi dari pemuda 29 tahun itu.

“Yang pasti ada motivasi itu berkesempatan untuk mengikuti seleksi CPNS. Setiap ada apresiasi, saya berusaha untuk membalasnya dengan prestasi, dan alhamdulillah setelah ikut tes saya berhasil mendapatkan juara dunia. ini rezeki yang luar biasa,” pungkas Eko.